[Antitesi (di vita) ipotetica non verificabile]

Mixed technique on masonite 25x25 in


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Abstract geometric artwork painting Mcilix


The artwork, created to join a competition on the theme of the value of time, is a representation of life through a geometric spiral. The empty center of the spiral symbolizes nothingness and the absence of time before life. The spiral unfolds through various phases of life, represented by different colors and lengths. The first colorless segment symbolizes the moment before conception, while the three primary colors represent the complete birth of life. The artwork ends without color on the outer edge, symbolizing the end of life, but the ribbon continues on the back, representing hope for something beyond. The artwork also features a second, non-colored spiral, mirroring the main one, which represents the constant doubt about how we could have better utilized our time. This second spiral reflects the idea that different choices might have led to a life with more vivid and vibrant colors. However, this "hypothetical" life remains an illusion that can never be verified. The title of the artwork reflects these considerations. The artwork was made on masonite, a material "harder" than canvas, the artwork seeks to represent the harshness of life and the passage of time.


[Acrylic, paper tape, glue on masonite]


<Photo Eva Volpato>